Lesson 1

The universe

The universe is the name for space and everything in it, including stars, planets, and our own planet, the Earth.Scientist are always working to find out more about the Universe.

 How big is the universe
It's hard to imagine how big space is. There are billions of stars,planets and moons in it. Some are so far away, it would take millions of years to reach them.

In space, stars and planets form huge groups called galaxies. Our planet,the Earth, and our nearest star, the Sun, are part of a galaxy called the Milky Way.

Milky way
Our galaxy is called Milky way. The Milky way contains billions of stars. The most important star for us is the Sun. If you could see it from far enogh away,it would look like a swirling mass of milky-pale light.

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The universe

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